Results for 'Francisco H. Rivero'

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  1. El estudio científico de la inteligencia: acotaciones filosóficas.Francisco H. Rivero Guevara - 1989 - Anuario Filosófico 22 (2):173-178.
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    Poverty and Inequality: The Global Context.Francisco H. G. Ferreira & Martin Ravallion - 2011 - In Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan & Timothy M. Smeeding (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press.
    This article summarizes the recent evidence on global poverty and inequality, including both developed and developing countries. Section 1 discusses poverty and inequality data and presents evidence on levels and recent trends in poverty and inequality around the world. Section 2 turns to the issues involved in aggregating inequality indices across countries, in order to construct a meaningful measure of global inequality. Section 3 discusses the empirical relationship between economic growth, poverty, and inequality dynamics. Section 4 turns to the likely (...)
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    Bi-Dimensional Approach Based on Transfer Learning for Alcoholism Pre-disposition Classification via EEG Signals.Hongyi Zhang, Francisco H. S. Silva, Elene F. Ohata, Aldisio G. Medeiros & Pedro P. Rebouças Filho - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    A Music-Mediated Language Learning Experience: Students’ Awareness of Their Socio-Emotional Skills.Esther Cores-Bilbao, Analí Fernández-Corbacho, Francisco H. Machancoses & M. C. Fonseca-Mora - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    In a society where mobility, globalization and contact with people from other cultures have become its basic descriptors, the enhancement of plurilingualism and intercultural understanding seem to be of the utmost concern. From a Positive Psychology Perspective, agency is the human capacity to affect other people positively or negatively through their actions. This agentic vision can be related to mediation, a concept rooted in the socio-cultural learning theory where social interaction is considered a fundamental cornerstone in the development of cognition. (...)
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    Experimentando con sujetos emocionados.Mercedes Rivero Obra - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 37:199-212.
    Este artículo trata de investigar si es posible que se produzca una emoción partiendo solo de su expresión, y no de un estímulo. Para ello se analizarán algunos trabajos de autores como William James, Francisco Alcayde y Vilar o la psicóloga chilena Susana Bloch. Todos ellos han tratado de demostrar que la expresión de una emoción puede conducir al sujeto a experimentarla. Sin embargo, estas tesis cometen el error de abolir el pensamiento del sujeto, otorgándole una especial importancia a (...)
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    María del Rocío Lucero Muñoz y René Vázquez García (comps.), Razón y modernidad. Horizontes del filosofar actual.David Sijárez-Rivero - 2021 - Dianoia 66 (87):182-186.
    Resumen En esta nota crítica presento un análisis de los materiales textuales que constituyen el capítulo 19 de la serie Early Greek Philosophy de A. Laks y G. Most dedicado a Parménides. Después de comparar cuantitativamente los textos de este capítulo con las ediciones de H. Diels y A.H. Coxon, así como de precisar cuáles son los textos "nuevos" que figuran en esta edición y las formas en que los editores decidieron presentarlos, ofrezco algunas consideraciones sobre el concepto mismo de (...)
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    El derecho a la salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes.Belén Zárate Rivero - 2025 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 59.
    En el 2024 se cumplen 30 años desde que la ONU introdujo el concepto de derecho a la salud sexual y reproductiva. Desde entonces, y bajo la guía de la OMS se ha ido avanzando en la elaboración de programas educativos sobre esta materia. La ONU ha señalado la necesidad de que estos programas de educación respondan realmente a las necesidades del colectivo al que se dirigen. Analizamos cuáles son las necesidades actuales de los adolescentes y cuáles deberían ser las (...)
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  8. La justicia entre presión social y "élan d'amour".Francisco Javier de Lucas Martín & H. Bergson - 1980 - Anuario Filosófico 13 (2):27-66.
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    Brill Online Books and Journals.Gail Fine, Francisco J. Gonzalez, Verity Harte, Tim O'Keefe, Tad Brennan, T. H. Irwin & Bob Sharples - 1996 - Phronesis 41 (3):245-275.
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    An Adjusted Probability Method for the Identification of Sociometric Status in Classrooms.Francisco J. García Bacete & Antonius H. N. Cillessen - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Emotion Understanding in Clinically Anxious Children: A Preliminary Investigation.Patrick K. Bender, Francisco Pons, Paul L. Harris, Barbara H. Esbjørn & Marie L. Reinholdt-Dunne - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    An Introduction to Dynamo: Diagrams for Evolutionary Game Dynamics. [REVIEW]Francisco Franchetti & William H. Sandholm - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (2):167-178.
    Dynamo: Diagrams for Evolutionary Game Dynamics is free, open-source software used to create phase diagrams and other images related to dynamical systems from evolutionary game theory. We describe how to use the software’s default settings to generate phase diagrams quickly and easily. We then explain how to take advantage of the software’s intermediate and advanced features to create diagrams that highlight the key properties of the dynamical system under study. Sample code and output are provided to help demonstrate the software’s (...)
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    A qualitative description of service providers’ experiences of ethical issues in HIV care.Motshedisi B. Sabone, Keitshokile Dintle Mogobe, Ellah Matshediso, Sheila Shaibu, Esther I. Ntsayagae, Inge B. Corless, Yvette P. Cuca, William L. Holzemer, Carol Dawson-Rose, Solymar S. Soliz Baez, Marta Rivero-Mendz, Allison R. Webel, Lucille Sanzero Eller, Paula Reid, Mallory O. Johnson, Jeanne Kemppainen, Darcel Reyes, Kathleen Nokes, Dean Wantland, Patrice K. Nicholas, Teri Lingren, Carmen J. Portillo, Elizabeth Sefcik & Ellen Long-Middleton - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1540-1553.
    Background: Managing HIV treatment is a complex multi-dimensional task because of a combination of factors such as stigma and discrimination of some populations who frequently get infected with HIV. In addition, patient-provider encounters have become increasingly multicultural, making effective communication and provision of ethically sound care a challenge. Purpose: This article explores ethical issues that health service providers in the United States and Botswana encountered in their interaction with patients in HIV care. Research design: A descriptive qualitative design was used (...)
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    Neoliberal restructuring, neoregulation, and the Mexican poultry industry.Francisco Martinez-Gomez, Gilberto Aboites-Manrique & Douglas H. Constance - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (4):495-510.
    The US poultry industry based on flexible accumulation has been advanced as the model of agro-industrial development for agrifood globalization. Similarly, Mexico has been presented as a noteworthy example of the negative effects of neoliberal restructuring associated with the globalization project. In this paper we use both of these assertions as points of departure to guide an investigation of the case of the restructuring of the Mexican poultry industry. Informed by a commodity systems analysis, archival data and key informant interviews (...)
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    Metabolic syndrome and its components are underdiagnosed in cardiology clinics.Akira Fujiyoshi, Mohammad H. Murad, Max Luna, Adriana Rosario, Shamsa Ali, David Paniagua, Joanna Molina, Marcos Lopez, Sarah Jacobs & Francisco Lopez-Jimenez - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):78-83.
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    H. L. A. Hart: vida y contexto filosófico.Francisco M. Mora Sifuentes - 2019 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho:273-319.
    En este trabajo se ofrece un bosquejo biográfico de H. L. A. Hart así como una reconstrucción del contexto cultural y filosófico en el que forjó su pensamiento. En la primera parte se proporcionan los datos más relevantes de su biografía, entre los que destaca su participación en los servicios de inteligencia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Posteriormente, el trabajo incursiona en el panorama filosófico británico de principios del siglo XX, durante la llamada revuelta anti-idealista, que es donde se ubican (...)
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  17. Dialectic and dialogue in the hermeneutics of Paul ricœur and H.g. Gadamer.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2006 - Continental Philosophy Review 39 (3):313-345.
    The present paper uses the theme of dialectic and dialogue to begin unraveling the similarities and differences between the hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur and H.G. Gadamer. Ricoeur is shown to distance himself from Heidegger by insisting on a dimension of explanation and distanciation (which he sometimes identifies with Plato's `descending dialectic') that cannot be reduced to, or absorbed by, understanding and appropriation. This same move, however, leads him to reject Platonic dialogue, with the attendant prioritizing of oral conversation over the (...)
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  18. Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics: The Enron Effect—Love of Money, Corporate Ethical Values, Corruption Perceptions Index, and Dishonesty Across 31 Geopolitical Entities.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Toto Sutarso, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Vivien K. G. Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Ilya E. Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Michael W. Allen, Abdulgawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Mark G. Borg, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Rosario Correia, Linzhi Du, Consuelo Garcia de la Torre, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Chin-Kang Jen, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Kilsun Kim, Jian Liang, Eva Malovics, Alice S. Moreira, Richard T. Mpoyi, Anthony Ugochukwu Obiajulu Nnedum, Johnsto E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Francisco José Costa Pereira, Ruja Pholsward, Horia D. Pitariu, Marko Polic, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Caroline Urbain, Martina Trontelj, Luigina Canova, Anna Maria Manganelli, Jingqiu Chen, Ningyu Tang, Bolanle E. Adetoun & Modupe F. Adewuyi - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):919-937.
    Monetary intelligence theory asserts that individuals apply their money attitude to frame critical concerns in the context and strategically select certain options to achieve financial goals and ultimate happiness. This study explores the dark side of monetary Intelligence and behavioral economics—dishonesty. Dishonesty, a risky prospect, involves cost–benefit analysis of self-interest. We frame good or bad barrels in the environmental context as a proxy of high or low probability of getting caught for dishonesty, respectively. We theorize: The magnitude and intensity of (...)
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    Behavioral economics and monetary wisdom: A cross‐level analysis of monetary aspiration, pay (dis)satisfaction, risk perception, and corruption in 32 nations.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Zhen Li, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Vivien K. G. Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Toto Sutarso, Ilya Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Caroline Urbain, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Jingqiu Chen, Ningyu Tang, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Consuelo Garcia De La Torre, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Abdulqawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Mark G. Borg, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Linzhi Du, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Kilsun Kim, Eva Malovics, Richard T. Mpoyi, Obiajulu Anthony Ugochukwu Nnedum, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Michael W. Allen, Rosário Correia, Chin-Kang Jen, Alice S. Moreira, Johnston E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Ruja Pholsward, Marko Polic, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Luigina Canova, Anna Maria Manganelli, Adrian H. Pitariu & Francisco José Costa Pereira - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):925-945.
    Corruption involves greed, money, and risky decision-making. We explore the love of money, pay satisfaction, probability of risk, and dishonesty across cultures. Avaricious monetary aspiration breeds unethicality. Prospect theory frames decisions in the gains-losses domain and high-low probability. Pay dissatisfaction (in the losses domain) incites dishonesty in the name of justice at the individual level. The Corruption Perceptions Index, CPI, signals a high-low probability of getting caught for dishonesty at the country level. We theorize that decision-makers adopt avaricious love-of-money aspiration (...)
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  20. Grit as Predictor of Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment in Spain.Jose L. Arco-Tirado, Ana Bojica, Francisco Fernández-Martín & Rick H. Hoyle - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Extending the growing literature on the role of grit in different life domains, this research explores the relationship between grit and involvement in entrepreneurship. The research highlights the role of personal income and satisfaction with one’s current financial situation as moderators of the relationship between grit and entrepreneurial behavior. Using a large representative sample of Spanish young adults and controlling for a number of potential confounding variables, we find that grit is modestly negatively related to the probability of involvement in (...)
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    Development and Validation of a Spanish Version of the Grit-S Scale.Jose L. Arco-Tirado, Francisco D. Fernández-Martín & Rick H. Hoyle - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La hermenéutica de Gadamer como escucha tras la huella. ¿Una hermenéutica de lo inaparente?Francisco Díez Fischer - 2018 - Escritos 26 (56):21-61.
    En sus análisis sobre la interioridad de la palabra en la hermenéutica de H. G. Gadamer, Jean Grondin afirma que su hermenéutica del vouloir-dire puede comprenderse como una "fenomenología de lo inaparente”. La afirmación deja establecido un vínculo entre la propuesta de Gadamer y esa polémica expresión que Heidegger usó para describir el sentido originario de la fenomenología. Hoy la fenomenología de lo inaparente se ha convertido en su motor a través del debate francés sobre el giro teológico. El objetivo (...)
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    Physical Fitness, White Matter Volume and Academic Performance in Children: Findings From the ActiveBrains and FITKids2 Projects.Irene Esteban-Cornejo, Maria Rodriguez-Ayllon, Juan Verdejo-Roman, Cristina Cadenas-Sanchez, Jose Mora-Gonzalez, Laura Chaddock-Heyman, Lauren B. Raine, Chelsea M. Stillman, Arthur F. Kramer, Kirk I. Erickson, Andrés Catena, Francisco B. Ortega & Charles H. Hillman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The clustering of galaxies in the sdss-iii baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: The low-redshift sample.John K. Parejko, Tomomi Sunayama, Nikhil Padmanabhan, David A. Wake, Andreas A. Berlind, Dmitry Bizyaev, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, Frank van den Bosch, Jon Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Luiz Alberto Nicolaci da Costa, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Hong Guo, Eyal Kazin, Marcio Maia, Elena Malanushenko, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Robert C. Nichol, Daniel J. Oravetz, Kaike Pan, Will J. Percival, Francisco Prada, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, David J. Schlegel, Don Schneider, Audrey E. Simmons, Ramin Skibba, Jeremy Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Benjamin A. Weaver, Andrew Wetzel, Martin White, David H. Weinberg, Daniel Thomas, Idit Zehavi & Zheng Zheng - unknown
    We report on the small-scale (0.5 13 h - 1M, a large-scale bias of ~2.0 and a satellite fraction of 12 ± 2 per cent. Thus, these galaxies occupy haloes with average masses in between those of the higher redshift BOSS CMASS sample and the original SDSS I/II luminous red galaxy sample © 2012 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society © doi:10.1093/mnras/sts314.
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    Heidegger and Gadamer on Hegel’s Greek Conception of Being and Time in an Unpublished 1925/26 Seminar.Francisco Gonzalez - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (4):735-758.
    In the Winter semester of 1925/26 Heidegger gave what appears to have been his first seminar on Hegel. Still unpublished in any form, this neglected seminar is of extraordinary importance, and not only for the in-depth and critical reading it pursues of Hegel’s Logic I, a critique that charges Hegel with not knowing how or where to begin. The seminar is also important for its attempt to demonstrate that Hegel’s philosophy was thoroughly Greek. In the class of 25 November 1925, (...)
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    Mito e emancipação em Walter Benjamin e Herbert Marcuse.Francisco De Ambrosis Pinheiro Machado - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1671-1688.
    Resumo: O presente artigo traça um paralelo e faz uma aproximação entre a concepção de mito em Walter Benjamin e Herbert Marcuse. Busca-se mostrar como estes autores, em certo momento de suas obras, propõem uma superação do mito a partir do mesmo, ou seja, sem abdicar de um certo potencial emancipatório presente em sua dimensão imagética e em seu vínculo com a fantasia. Palavras-chave: Walter Benjamin; Herbert Marcuse; mito; emancipação; fantasia; imagem. Myth and Emancipation in Walter Benjamin and Herbert Marcuse (...)
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  27. Realismo e indeterminación cardinal.Francisco Salto Alemany & Antonio Manuel Liz Gutiérrez - 2004 - Laguna 15:177-194.
    En este trabajo se argumenta que no es posible contar objetos reales. Aunque a primera vista esta tesis pueda resultar desconcertante, o un simple ejercicio de «arte conceptual», las razones que la apoyan son fundadas y muy naturales. Se examinan algunas consecuencias importantes de dicha tesis y se ponen en conexión con diversos planteamientos de H. Putnam, P. Unger y E. Sosa.
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    De la fenomenología a la hermenéutica (y vuelta). La co-institución de la conciencia del tiempo.Francisco Díez Fischer - 2012 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 45:163-188.
    La programática del siguiente trabajo es esclarecer la herencia que la hermenéutica filosófica de H.-G. Gadamer recibe de la teoría fenomenológica de la conciencia del tiempo; herencia que Gadamer mismo reconoce cuando afirma “que una clara línea conduce desde el concepto de síntesis pasiva y la teoría de la intencionalidad anónima a la experiencia hermenéutica […]” [GW 2, 16]. A partir de la explicitación de algunos aportes generales y más conocidos de la fenomenología a la propuesta de Gadamer (punto I), (...)
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    Entweder Gott oder Nichts – Nihilismus und transzendentaler Idealismus.Francisco Prata Gaspar - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:158-171.
    Either God or nothing – Nihilism and transcendental Idealism. By the time of the “Atheism-Controversy” (Atheismusstreit) Jacobi wrote a “Letter to Fichte” (Brief an Fichte) in which he described the doctrine of science as Nihilism and not as Atheism. According to Jacobi, the doctrine of science would incur in to an emptiness of meaning and in to an artificial belief. Nevertheless, Fichte’s first and immediate position towards those critiques was not one of perplexity, because according to him the critiques Jacobi’s (...)
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    El concepto de progreso: De San Agustín a Herder.Francisco J. Contreras Peláez - 2003 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 37:239-269.
    The eme r gence of the concept of pr o g ress is cu r rent l y associated with th e Enlightenment o r , going som e w hat further back, with the que r elle des anciens et des modernes in the 1 7 t h centu r y . Y et the notion of pr o g ress can be traced back to a signi f icant l y earlier period: the foundations of a possi b (...)
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  31. Toward a Practice of Autonomous Systems. Proceedings of of the First European Conference on Artificial Life.Francisco J. Varela & Paul Bourgine (eds.) - 1992 - Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.
    Artificial life embodies a recent and important conceptual step in modem science: asserting that the core of intelligence and cognitive abilities is the same as the capacity for living. The recent surge of interest in artificial life has pushed a whole range of engineering traditions, such as control theory and robotics, beyond classical notions of goal and planning into biologically inspired notions of viability and adaptation, situatedness and operational closure. These proceedings serve two important functions: they address bottom-up theories of (...)
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    Commentary: At least eighty percent of brain grey matter is modifiable by physical activity: a review study.Irene Esteban-Cornejo, Andrés Catena, Charles H. Hillman, Arthur F. Kramer, Kirk I. Erickson & Francisco B. Ortega - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Assessment of Emotional Experience and Emotional Recognition in Complicated Grief.Manuel Fernández-Alcántara, Francisco Cruz-Quintana, M. N. Pérez-Marfil, Andrés Catena-Martínez, Miguel Pérez-García & Oliver H. Turnbull - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Denker, A.; Groth, M.; Jenewein, J.; Zaborowski, H. (ed.) (2023): Heidegger und die Psychiatrie, Baden-Baden, Verlag Karl Alber, 2023, 246 pp. [REVIEW]Francisco Úbeda Alconchel - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 49 (1):329-333.
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  35. Miguel Herrera Figueroa y la epistemología intrivitrialismo e investiagión científica ; La hermenéutica jurídica en H.G. Gadamer y en el intrivitrialismo de Miguel Herrera Figueroa.Francisco García Bazán - 2000 - In Francisco García Bazán (ed.), Semiótica y hermenéutica en Herrera Figueroa. Buenos Aires: Plus Ultra.
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    (1 other version)The comparative neuroprimatology 2018 road map for research on How the Brain Got Language.Michael A. Arbib, Francisco Aboitiz, Judith M. Burkart, Michael C. Corballis, Gino Coudé, Erin Hecht, Katja Liebal, Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi, James Pustejovsky, Shelby S. Putt, Federico Rossano, Anne E. Russon, P. Thomas Schoenemann, Uwe Seifert, Katerina Semendeferi, Chris Sinha, Dietrich Stout, Virginia Volterra, Sławomir Wacewicz & Benjamin Wilson - 2018 - Interaction Studies 19 (1-2):370-387.
    We present a new road map for research on “How the Brain Got Language” that adopts an EvoDevoSocio perspective and highlights comparative neuroprimatology – the comparative study of brain, behavior and communication in extant monkeys and great apes – as providing a key grounding for hypotheses on the last common ancestor of humans and monkeys and chimpanzees and the processes which guided the evolution LCA-m → LCA-c → protohumans → H. sapiens. Such research constrains and is constrained by analysis of (...)
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    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: Baryon acoustic oscillations in the data releases 10 and 11 galaxy samples. [REVIEW]Lauren Anderson, Éric Aubourg, Stephen Bailey, Florian Beutler, Vaishali Bhardwaj, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, J. Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Angela Burden, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Antonio J. Cuesta, Kyle S. Dawson, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Stephanie Escoffier, James E. Gunn, Hong Guo, Shirley Ho, Klaus Honscheid, Cullan Howlett, David Kirkby, Robert H. Lupton, Marc Manera, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Olga Mena, Francesco Montesano, Robert C. Nichol, Sebastián E. Nuza, Matthew D. Olmstead, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, John Parejko, Will J. Percival, Patrick Petitjean, Francisco Prada, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Beth Reid, Natalie A. Roe, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Shun Saito, Lado Samushia, Ariel G. Sánchez, David J. Schlegel, Donald P. Schneider, Claudia G. Scoccola, Hee-Jong Seo, Ramin A. Skibba, Michael A. Strauss, Molly E. C. Swanson, Daniel Thomas, Jeremy L. Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Mariana Vargas Magaña, Licia Verde & Dav Wake - unknown
    We present a one per cent measurement of the cosmic distance scale from the detections of the baryon acoustic oscillations in the clustering of galaxies from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, which is part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. Our results come from the Data Release 11 sample, containing nearly one million galaxies and covering approximately 8500 square degrees and the redshift range 0.2 < z < 0.7. We also compare these results with those from the publicly released (...)
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    Hart y el problema del positivismo jurídico. Una reconstrucción en tres actos = Hart and the problem of legal positivism. A reconstruction in three acts.Francisco M. Mora-Sifuentes - 2019 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 31:2-32.
    RESUMEN: Este trabajo tiene como finalidad destacar la contribución específica de H.L.A. Hart sobre el problema del positivismo jurídico. A juicio del autor, el tratamiento que Hart dio a la polémica entre positivismo jurídico y Derecho Natural estuvo marcada por dos extremos aparentemente contradictorios. Por una parte, se abocó a clarificar las diversas tesis que anidan tras la etiqueta “positivismo jurídico”, así como las posiciones que suelen referirse como tales. Al hacerlo abrió el camino para mostrar en qué sentido no (...)
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  39. The Complexity of H-wave Amplitude Fluctuations and Their Bilateral Cross-Covariance Are Modified According to the Previous Fitness History of Young Subjects under Track Training.Maria E. Ceballos-Villegas, Juan J. Saldaña Mena, Ana L. Gutierrez Lozano, Francisco J. Sepúlveda-Cañamar, Nayeli Huidobro, Elias Manjarrez & Joel Lomeli - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:285728.
    The Hoffmann reflex (H-wave) is produced by alpha-motoneuron activation in the spinal cord. A feature of this electromyography response is that it exhibits fluctuations in amplitude even during repetitive stimulation with the same intensity of current. We herein explore the hypothesis that physical training induces plastic changes in the motor system. Such changes are evaluated with the fractal dimension (FD) analysis of the H-wave amplitude-fluctuations (H-wave FD) and the cross-covariance (CCV) between the bilateral H-wave amplitudes. The aim of this study (...)
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  40. Reflections on My Collaboration with Francisco Varela.H. Maturana - 2012 - Constructivist Foundations 7 (3):155-164.
    Context: Francisco Varela and Humberto Maturana worked closely together for several short episodes and wrote joint publications during the 1970s and 1980s. After that their respective paths in life diverged. Problem: What is the common ground and what are the differences between these two authors with respect to their lives and aims? Method: The author reconstructs their common history in the form of personal reflections and conversations with Varela. Results: The personal reflections reveal the intellectual path Maturana took to (...)
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    Reseña de la primera publicación de la Ibero de 1943.Francisco Galán Vélez & Luis Ignacio Guerrero Martínez - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 56 (156):210-213.
    Con ocasión del 80 aniversario de la Universidad Iberoamericana y de su Departamento de Filosofía hemos querido recuperar y comentar uno de los dos primeros libros que se publicaron en lo que entonces se llamaba Centro Cultural Universitario. El libro que nos ocupa es fiel testimonio de la época en que fue publicado. Las conferencias del padre jesuita Ledit son ejemplo de la manera de entender la historia moderna y contemporánea de muchos pensadores católicos preconciliares. La cristiandad medieval había realizado (...)
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    Book review: Andreas H. Jucker, Gerd Fritz and Franz lebsanft (eds), historical dialogue analysis. Amsterdam: John benjamins, 1999. 478 pp. isbn 90 272 5080 4. [REVIEW]Francisco Alonso-Almeida - 2002 - Discourse Studies 4 (2):254-256.
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    Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Roig, Norme, giudici, Stato costituzionale. Frammenti di un modelo giuridico.Fernando H. Llano Alonso - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:261-269.
    Este artículo reseña: Francisco Javier ANSUÁTEGUI ROIG, Norme, giudici, Stato costituzionale. Frammenti di un modelo giuridico, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2020, 221 pp.
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  44. Don Francisco de Paula Marin.Ross H. Gast & Agnes C. Conrad - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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  45. The Good Shepherd Francisco Davila's Sermon To the Indians of Peru (1646).Georges Dumezil & James H. Labadie - 1957 - Diogenes 5 (20):68-83.
    à Mauritz Friisen souvenir des soiréesde Görväln et de PampachicaFrancisco was born in 1573 in the old capital of the Incas, a pretty town stretching along a high valley of the Andes 11,000 feet above sea level but close enough to the earth's breast to enjoy a gentle springtime throughout the year, even in winter. 1573: forty-two years since the first Spaniards, three of them, reached the city as emissaries of the conqueror, who was then especially occupied with the last (...)
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    An Early Life of Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros.Lynn H. Nelson & Arnold H. Weiss - 1982 - Franciscan Studies 42 (1):156-165.
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    Human Rights Through the Legislature: Grégoire Webber, Paul Yowell, Richard Ekins, Maris Köpcke, Bradley W. Miller and Francisco J. Urbina, Legislated Rights: Securing Human Rights through Legislation. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 209. $110.00. [REVIEW]Brian H. Bix - 2019 - Law and Philosophy 38 (2):221-225.
    This is a book review of Grégoire Webber, Paul Yowell, Richard Ekins, Maris Köpcke, Bradley W. Miller, and Francisco J. Urbina, "Legislated Rights" (Cambridge U. Pr., 2018).
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    Bette Anton, MLS, is the Head Librarian of the Optometry Library/Health Sciences Information Service. This library serves the University of California at Berkeley–University of California at San Francisco Joint Medical Program and the University of California at Berkeley School of Optometry.David A. Asch, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Katrina A. Bramstedt, Arthur L. Caplan, H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr, D. Micah Hester, Kenneth V. Iserson & Mark G. Kuczewski - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11:4-5.
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    Bette Anton, MLS, is the Head Librarian of the Optometry Library/Health Sciences Information Service. This library serves the University of California at Berkeley–University of California at San Francisco Joint Medical Program and the University of California at Berkeley School of Optometry.Stanley P. Azen, Leslie J. Blackhall, Katherine H. Brown, Carole H. Browner, Russell Burck, Jean E. Chambers, Gelya Frank, Walter Glannon & Amnon Goldworth - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11:114-115.
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    (1 other version)McCluskey E. J.. Introduction to the theory of switching circuits. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, St. Louis, San Francisco, Toronto, London, and Sydney, 1965, xv + 318 pp. [REVIEW]Thomas H. Mott - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (4):631-631.
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